In the dynamic world of online trading, PhoenixTB has emerged as a self-proclaimed leading FX and CFD broker, enticing investors with promises of financial success. However, a closer examination of the platform exposes a troubling narrative of deception, including false licenses, undisclosed ownership, and questionable affiliations. This comprehensive review aims to delve deeper into the intricate web of PhoenixTB, shedding light on its potentially fraudulent practices and urging caution for prospective investors.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has also published a warning about this company.


The Veil of Obscurity: Unrevealed Ownership and Office Locations of PhoenixTB

A glaring red flag in PhoenixTB’s presentation is the deliberate omission of information regarding its ownership. Despite positioning itself as a prominent brokerage enterprise, the platform chooses not to disclose the identities of the individuals or entities steering its operations. This lack of transparency raises serious concerns about the platform’s legitimacy and prompts questions about the motives behind concealing ownership.

The PhoenixTB website, purportedly owned by Lerekki Limited, registered in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, presents a concerning array of red flags that merit careful consideration. One of the primary issues is the absence of licensing, a critical aspect for any legitimate financial service provider. Regulatory oversight helps protect consumers by ensuring that companies adhere to industry standards and regulations, and the lack of a proper license raises serious questions about the legitimacy of PhoenixTB.

Furthermore, the utilization of the MSI compensation fund for dispute resolution is atypical, especially in the absence of regulatory compliance. Legitimate entities usually resort to such funds within the framework of regulatory requirements. The issuance of the certificate of membership in February 2023 might be an attempt to create a veneer of legitimacy, but without proper licensing, its effectiveness in assuring users is dubious.

The dearth of information regarding the establishment date, legal address, and ownership structure is troubling. Reputable financial service providers prioritize transparency, providing users with comprehensive details about their background and operations. The lack of such information from PhoenixTB raises concerns about its authenticity.

The choice of the Bahamas for domain registration and the absence of a legal address further contribute to the opaqueness surrounding PhoenixTB. This strategy of obfuscation can make it challenging for users and regulatory authorities to trace the website’s actual location and ownership, a common tactic employed by potentially fraudulent entities.

The subpar design of the website is another notable issue. Legitimate financial service providers typically invest in professional, secure, and user-friendly websites to establish trust with their users. A poorly designed website can not only diminish credibility but also indicate a lack of commitment to providing a secure platform for financial transactions.


The incomplete metadata and the absence of elements that contribute to online presence reinforce the notion that PhoenixTB may not be operating at the standards expected of a legitimate financial service provider. Establishing a credible online presence is crucial for any entity operating in the digital space, and the lack thereof raises further doubts about the platform’s legitimacy.

Lastly, the mention of offices in the UK, Canada, and Switzerland without specific details or addresses is a common tactic employed by potentially fraudulent entities to create an illusion of international legitimacy. Without verifiable information about these locations, users are left in the dark about the true nature and operations of PhoenixTB.

The numerous red flags associated with PhoenixTB, including the lack of licensing, incomplete information, domain registration choices, poor website design, and dubious office locations, collectively underscore the need for extreme caution. Before engaging in any financial transactions, potential users should conduct thorough research, seek advice from financial professionals, and verify the legitimacy of PhoenixTB through regulatory authorities. Caution should also be exercised in providing personal and financial information on websites with questionable credibility.

To further enhance its credibility, PhoenixTB provides addresses for purported offices in the UK, Switzerland, and Canada. However, these addresses, presented as markers of legitimacy, should be approached with skepticism. They appear to be another layer in the deceptive facade carefully crafted by the platform to create an illusion of credibility.

False Licenses and Forged Certificates of PhoenixTB

Central to PhoenixTB’s attempt to appear legitimate is the assertion of regulatory compliance. However, a closer examination of the alleged regulatory affiliations reveals a disconcerting reality. The platform claims regulation by the “MSI Commission,” supposedly based in London, UK. Unfortunately, a thorough investigation exposes this regulator as a fabrication, existing solely as a WordPress web presentation.

Further exacerbating concerns is the absence of validation from reputable financial authorities, including the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), New SRO, and FINMA. The lack of regulatory oversight raises serious questions about the reliability and security of the platform for potential investors.


Dubious Regulatory Standards and an Unreliable Website

In contrast to the stringent standards set by Tier 1 licenses, PhoenixTB falls short by neglecting essential features such as segregated bank accounts, negative balance protection, leverage restrictions, and a compensation fund. The absence of these critical risk-mitigating measures underscores the platform’s unreliability and raises doubts about its commitment to safeguarding client interests.

PhoenixTB’s lack of transparency is not limited to its regulatory claims but extends to trading conditions. The failure to disclose essential information about trading costs, fees, and other crucial details is a departure from recognized regulatory standards, further diminishing the platform’s credibility.

User Reviews and Testimonials: A Divergence of Opinions

PhoenixTB maintains a presence on TrustPilot, where users can leave reviews about their experiences with the platform. However, the authenticity of these reviews remains questionable, as the platform has acquired average ratings. The possibility of excessively positive reviews being fabricated to boost credibility, coupled with negative reviews highlighting potential withdrawal issues and persistent calls from boiler room agents, underscores the need for skepticism.

As a result, there are a number of things to take into account before choosing to trade in any company. The world of trading is not for little kids. Negative outcomes are attracted by improper techniques. Scammers promise cutting-edge products and services. If you join up expecting identical services, the results are startling. Walk-in-the-park trading is provided by fraudulent businesses.

Geographical Impact and Targeted Countries

Despite the platform’s claim not to accept US traders, PhoenixTB has managed to expand its influence to several countries within its brief operational period. The largest number of reported victims comes from countries such as Estonia, Norway, and Finland. This pattern suggests that PhoenixTB does not discriminate based on geographical location but rather focuses on accumulating deposits from unsuspecting investors.

Limited Information on Offerings and the Absence of a Demo Account

PhoenixTB’s lack of transparency extends to its offerings, as the platform does not provide clear information about available assets, trading conditions, or fees. The absence of a trial or demo account further hampers prospective investors from assessing the platform’s capabilities and suitability for their trading needs.

Web Trader Platform and Security Concerns of PhoenixTB

PhoenixTB offers a web trader platform, a commonly used interface in the realm of fraudulent brokerages. While web terminals are not inherently problematic, the limitations of this basic platform raise concerns about its suitability for advanced trading strategies. The absence of advanced features further restricts traders, hindering their ability to gain a competitive edge in the market.


Security concerns also emerge as user reports suggest potential lapses in data protection and privacy. The platform’s claims of implementing industry-standard security measures are contradicted by reports of unauthorized access to accounts and other privacy-related issues.

Financial Requirements and Withdrawal Challenges

PhoenixTB sets a low minimum deposit requirement of $20, which may initially appear attractive to potential investors. However, the platform imposes fees for various services, creating a financial burden for traders. The lack of transparency regarding these fees and the ability to change them without notice adds another layer of uncertainty.

Withdrawals are claimed to be processed through the same channel as the initial deposit, with a stated processing time of 3 to 5 business days. However, skepticism arises regarding the reliability of these claims, given PhoenixTB’s overall lack of transparency and potential fraudulent practices.

Advice for Those Who Have Lost Funds

For individuals who find themselves victims of PhoenixTB’s deceptive practices, it is essential to remain calm and avoid further panic. Taking proactive steps, such as documenting interactions with the platform, including screenshots and communication records, can aid in reporting the incident to relevant authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Conclusion: The Mirage of Legitimacy

In conclusion, PhoenixTB’s deceptive practices, including false licenses, undisclosed ownership, and dubious affiliations, paint a picture of a potentially fraudulent brokerage. The lack of regulatory oversight, transparency, and essential features, coupled with potential security concerns, make PhoenixTB a risky proposition for investors.

Prospective traders are strongly advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with any online trading platform. The absence of verifiable licenses, misleading regulatory claims, and potential security risks underscore the importance of prioritizing transparency, authenticity, and security when choosing a brokerage service. As the digital financial landscape continues to evolve, informed decision-making is crucial to safeguarding investments and financial well-being.

For more genuine reviews on this kind of company, visit the website at

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