Purportedly serving as a hub for vibrant global trading activities, this CFD platform asserts its ability to enable investors to achieve unprecedented returns compared to any other online portal. The prominently featured state-of-the-art software is claimed to be unparalleled, boasting an impressive array of add-ons, tools, and analytical options.

In this comprehensive review of Relchart, we aim to dissect the platform’s offerings and assess them in light of safety considerations, aligning our analysis with information disseminated by regulatory bodies. Our objective is to provide potential investors with a thorough understanding of what Relchart brings to the table and to help them navigate the associated risks in the realm of financial trading.


The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has also published a warning about this company.

As we delve into the intricacies of the platform, we will scrutinize the touted cutting-edge software, exploring its purported uniqueness and the extent to which it delivers on the promise of empowering users to achieve financial success. Moreover, our assessment will extend to the range and effectiveness of the add-ons, tools, and analytical features, evaluating whether they genuinely enhance the overall trading experience for users.

However, our scrutiny does not stop at the advertised advantages; we will also delve into the safety measures implemented by Relchart. By aligning our examination with the guidelines and regulations set forth by relevant authorities, we aim to provide potential investors with a comprehensive understanding of the safety risks associated with the platform. This multifaceted approach ensures that our review goes beyond a mere examination of features, delving into the critical aspects of security and regulatory compliance that are paramount for investors seeking a reliable and trustworthy trading environment.

In essence, this Relchart review aims to be a comprehensive resource for individuals contemplating investment through the platform, offering insights into its capabilities, potential benefits, and inherent risks. Through this detailed exploration, readers can make informed decisions about whether Relchart aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Unlawful Operations Exposed

Promising dynamic global trading, Relchart positions itself as a leading CFD platform with cutting-edge software. However, a closer look reveals unlawful operations. The default site language in Polish-led us to regulatory warnings, notably from the KNF and IOSCO, classifying Relchart as a fraudulent, unregulated forex broker.

The initial setting of the default site language to Polish prompted us to conduct a thorough review of the state regulator’s database. Regrettably, our investigation yielded only one result – a warning issued by the KNF. Shortly after this alert was disseminated, IOSCO, in a further precautionary measure, reposted the warning to caution investors.

It is imperative to consider that entrusting your funds with this broker may pose significant risks. The broker fails to provide assurance regarding the segregation of funds, a fundamental protection and compensation measure in the event of the firm’s failure. Furthermore, an analysis of the trading terms reveals unfavorable conditions that may work against you.

To safeguard your financial interests, it is crucial to gain insights into how to identify and steer clear of such companies, with AnyTrades being a notable example in this regard. Read on to enhance your understanding of the warning signs and protective measures against potential pitfalls associated with such brokers.


EEA Zone Targeted

The platform, with a preferred site language of Polish, targets a broad audience, including Poland, Ukraine, Germany, and the United States. Investors should be wary of overly friendly and pushy sales agents employing deceptive tactics to lure them into a seemingly lucrative proposition.

Dishonest Reviews

Upon navigating to the Trustpilot reviews page for Rechart, the initial encounter is marked by a cautionary message. The operators of the website alert visitors to the presence of numerous fabricated reviews that this brokerage firm has allegedly employed to artificially enhance their reputation. Trustpilot has taken action by deleting the bulk of these reviews, leaving behind predominantly negative ones. Consequently, Rechart bears a less-than-impressive overall rating of just 2 stars out of 5 on the platform.

This noteworthy rating not only serves as an indicator of the company’s standing but also raises significant concerns about its credibility. The deleted reviews imply an attempt to manipulate the perception of the broker’s trustworthiness, a practice that has repercussions on the reliability of its services. The remaining negative reviews further underscore the potential risks associated with engaging with Rechart, providing a compelling rationale for prospective investors to exercise caution and consider alternative options.

Veil Of Secrets Around Costs

The trading terms presented on this trading platform evoke a sense of mystery and concern. Primarily, the documents intended to provide clear information about the specific costs and trading parameters are saturated with ambiguous language, which leaves users grappling with uncertainty regarding the governing conditions.

Of the few discernible details, the maximum leverage stands out at an impressive ratio of 1:400. However, the transparency surrounding other crucial elements of the trading environment is notably lacking. Delving into the intricacies of the costs involved becomes a challenge as pertinent information remains concealed until after the user has committed to signing up.

This opacity in divulging comprehensive details about trading conditions raises valid apprehensions for prospective users. The prevalence of elusive language and the lack of upfront disclosure make it difficult for traders to make informed decisions, as they are left in the dark about the full spectrum of potential financial implications. This veiled approach to sharing information underscores the importance of transparency in fostering trust between a trading platform and its users.

Unimpressive Features

Relchart’s features are underwhelming and locked behind a KYC process. Without a compelling reason, such as intentional capital loss, there seems to be little justification for choosing this platform.


Risky Download

Users encounter three software options: web trader, desktop app, and mobile app. Accessing the web terminal requires a detailed KYC, and subsequent real-cash deposits are mandatory. Additionally, the platform presents links for downloading suspicious installation files.

Groups Of Instruments

The platform outlines a variety of tradable asset groups, including CFDs on Forex, Crypto, Indices, Metals, Energies, and Stocks. However, access to the trading area is restricted, raising doubts about the actual availability of these instruments.

Three Account Sorts

Relchart offers three account types – Silver, Gold, and Platinum – each with vague features and undisclosed prices. Claims of higher leverage, dedicated account managers, and live webinars lack credibility.

Unsolved Payment Terms

The irony is not lost when the trading platform boldly declares its commitment to a fee-transparent policy, yet its overarching theme revolves around a veil of anonymity and undisclosed information. The contradiction is evident in the legal documentation, where the sole reference to payment costs grants the company the liberty to deduct any requisite amount directly from the user’s account, leaving room for ambiguity and potential surprise charges.

Adding to the perplexity, the minimum withdrawal threshold is set at $50, applicable to credit card transactions or their equivalent in the user’s chosen fiat currency. However, the clarity surrounding the availability of credit card methods remains elusive. The lack of specificity raises concerns about the accessibility and scope of payment options for users on the platform.

Moreover, the process of withdrawal is characterized by a purported duration of up to 3 business days for request processing. This timeframe introduces an additional layer of uncertainty for users seeking timely access to their funds. The blend of unclear payment methods, minimum withdrawal requirements, and the potential delay in processing requests underscores the importance of thorough scrutiny and caution for individuals navigating the intricacies of this trading platform.

Ghost Staff

Attempts to contact Relchart’s support were met with silence via email, but registering on the site led to unsolicited calls. This raises doubts about the functionality of customer service, with suspicions of fraudulent activity.

Don’t Wait – Take Back What Is Yours!

Victims of scams are urged not to stay silent. Reporting fraudulent activities to local financial authorities and the police is crucial. Seeking professional advice for fund recovery is recommended to combat cyber criminality.


What to Do If You Fell Victim to the Relchart Scam:

A. Stop All Engagement with the Platform

Cease any further engagement with the company, including accessing the website, replying to emails, or contacting customer service representatives.

B. Document All Your Activities and Losses

Gather evidence by taking screenshots of your account, transaction receipts, emails, and message logs. Create a record of damages, including money, crypto, or personal data lost.

C. Report the company to All Relevant Authorities

File reports about Relchart, their social media channels, and associated payment processors to local and international authorities, including the police, FTC, CFPB, social media platforms, domain registrars, and cryptocurrency exchanges.

D. Reset All Account Passwords

Immediately reset passwords for your email, financial accounts, crypto wallets, and other sensitive logins. Enable Two-factor authentication for additional security.

E. Run a Malware Scan

Check your devices for malware using a trusted antivirus program to remove any viruses or spyware from the scam site.

F. Install an Ad Blocker

Install an ad-blocker to block malicious ads or phishing attempts, providing an additional layer of protection.

G. Warn Others about the Scam Dangers

Spread awareness about the tactics of the company and similar crypto scams in your social circles and online communities. Share your story to prevent others from becoming victims.

H. Consult Legal Options for Potential Recourse

Discuss your case with an attorney to explore potential options for pursuing the scammers and recovering stolen funds. While challenging, victims have sometimes gained restitution through civil lawsuits and class action cases.

FAQ Section

What is Relchart?
Relchart is a fraudulent brokerage brand claiming to be a world-leading online trading company, blacklisted by KNF and IOSCO.

Is Relchart Regulated?
No, Relchart lacks any regulation or a legitimate forex license.

In conclusion, investors are strongly advised to exercise caution and thoroughly research any trading platform before engaging. The deceptive practices and lack of regulation associated with Relchart should serve as a warning to potential users.

For more genuine reviews on this kind of company, visit the website at  www.marketrefree.com

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