The anonymous group operating under the banner of claims that the key to secure online trading lies exclusively in their services, promising a trading experience that is both gratifying and comprehensive. Despite the artful self-promotion, the orchestrator of this endeavor falls short in furnishing substantial evidence to validate their legitimacy.

Adding to the skepticism surrounding, recent developments reveal that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has taken the decisive step of categorizing this enterprise as a fraudulent and untrustworthy scheme. The rationale behind the FCA’s decision is elucidated in a comprehensive Lyraten review.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has also published a warning about this company.

In their promotional materials, boldly asserts the indispensability of their services for a secure online trading experience. However, the absence of concrete evidence supporting their claims raises concerns about the credibility of this operation. The mastermind behind the enterprise seems adept at self-advertising, but the lack of transparency regarding their legitimacy invites scrutiny.

Adding weight to the suspicions surrounding is the recent action taken by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a regulatory body known for its vigilance in protecting consumers from financial scams. The FCA’s decision to label this scheme as fraudulent and untrustworthy signifies a serious red flag for potential investors.


A detailed examination of the Lyraten review provides insight into the reasons behind the FCA’s classification. It is crucial for individuals considering involvement with to be aware of these findings. The FCA, in its capacity as a regulatory authority, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the financial interests of consumers, and its designation of as untrustworthy should serve as a warning to those contemplating engagement with this platform.

While may present itself as a provider of a superior trading experience, the lack of substantiated legitimacy and the recent FCA classification as a fraudulent entity underscores the importance of exercising caution. Potential investors are strongly advised to conduct thorough research and seek alternative, more reputable avenues for online trading.

Regulatory Deception:

The absence of any corporate information on the company’s official website raises serious doubts about its legal standing. The lack of essential details such as a business name, registration number, or license, coupled with the complete absence of information regarding the company’s headquarters, does little to inspire confidence in its legitimacy.

In an effort to validate the company’s legal status, an exhaustive search for a license was conducted across reputable financial authorities, including the FCA, BaFin, CySEC, and ASIC. Regrettably, the search yielded no positive results, with the only noteworthy discovery being a warning issued by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Surprisingly, checks with other financial regulatory registers did not produce any information.

This conspicuous absence of a legal footprint led to the unmistakable conclusion that the company under review does not appear to be a legitimate entity. The absence of implemented fund segregation practices and the denial of client access to compensation schemes further underscore the dubious nature of this business. This revelation is eerily reminiscent of a similar situation encountered at Merricks Invest, prompting a strong advisory to steer clear of both entities.

The company’s failure to provide fundamental corporate information not only raises red flags regarding its legal status but also casts serious doubts on its transparency and commitment to regulatory compliance. The lack of a recognized license from esteemed financial authorities, coupled with the warning from the FCA, should serve as a stark warning to potential clients. The absence of essential safeguards, such as fund segregation and compensation schemes, heightens the risk for clients and reinforces the need for caution in dealing with this unverified entity.

In light of the aforementioned findings and the parallel situation observed with Merricks Invest, potential investors are strongly urged to exercise utmost caution and consider alternative, reputable options in the realm of financial transactions. It is crucial to prioritize due diligence and choose platforms that adhere to regulatory standards to safeguard one’s financial interests.


Partial and Unfair Online Assessments

A cursory glance at online reviews might create the illusion that all is well and favorable for, with a seemingly unanimous positive sentiment prevailing on platforms such as TrustPilot and SiteJabber. However, a closer examination of user comments reveals discernible patterns that suggest a more nuanced perspective.

Upon delving into the comments section, a notable trend emerges, raising questions about the authenticity of the positive reviews. This observation is not surprising, given the susceptibility of rating platforms like TrustPilot and SiteJabber to manipulation by so-called review seller networks. The prevalence of this strategy is evident not only with but also with other dubious entities, such as Nexta Capital FX, who employ similar tactics to create an illusion of trustworthiness.

The prevalence of positive reviews on these platforms, while initially appearing reassuring, may be misleading. It highlights the need for a discerning approach when relying on online reviews, as the quality and authenticity of feedback can be compromised by deceptive practices. The phenomenon of faux companies utilizing review seller networks to bolster their reputation is unfortunately not uncommon, casting a shadow on the reliability of online review platforms.

In light of these observations, users and potential investors are urged to exercise caution and employ critical thinking when interpreting online reviews. Verifying the credibility of the reviewers and cross-referencing information from multiple sources can help in forming a more accurate assessment of a company’s reputation. It is crucial to be aware of the potential manipulation of online reviews and to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism, especially when dealing with entities known for employing such strategies.

Targeting Vulnerable Traders:

The website was officially launched in the early months of 2023, a fact verifiable through the WhoIs register. Notably, a significant number of victims falling prey to this fraudulent scheme hail from various countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, and South Africa.

Operating in a manner akin to numerous other illicit entities, this fraudulent firm employs the services of boiler room agents. These individuals assume the role of account managers, purporting to possess extensive market insight and employ persuasive phone tactics to induce unsuspecting individuals into making investments.

The risk disclaimer prominently featured on the website sheds light on a disconcerting aspect of the operation. It explicitly states that all trades occur “outside a regulated exchange or venue,” emphasizing that the provided prices do not reflect actual market fluctuations but are instead indicative of what “the company is prepared to offer.”


This arrangement effectively creates a scenario where the entire setup is designed to deplete funds from unsuspecting investors, all while absolving the company of any accountability for resulting losses. The risk disclaimer serves as a protective shield for the company, shielding it from legal repercussions and placing the onus squarely on the investor.

For those who have fallen victim to the Lyraten scam and suffered financial losses, there is a recourse option presented. Victims are encouraged to reach out to recovery experts who specialize in addressing such financial fraud cases. This avenue offers a potential means of reclaiming lost funds and seeking restitution in the wake of deceptive practices employed by entities like Lyraten.

Trading Platform Evaluation:

The fee structure of this online brokerage platform leaves much to be desired, with trading costs that can be described as nothing short of exorbitant. Each trade incurs a commission starting at a staggering $5, a rate that only sees a reduction with substantial cash investments.

The minimum spreads set by the platform are notably high at 2.4 pips, surpassing industry standards for leverage by several times. Although opting for more expensive account types does yield tighter spreads, the overall cost remains questionable. The starting leverage for Forex stands at 1:50, a figure that exceeds the requirements set by regulators in the UK and the EU. Despite this discrepancy, the company continues to extend its services to residents of these regions.

Furthermore, the maximum leverage ratios allowed on this platform are 1:100 for currency pairs and 1:20 for cryptocurrencies. These ratios, while providing some flexibility, still fall short of aligning with the regulatory standards of UK and EU authorities. This suggests a willingness on the part of the company to operate with a degree of latitude beyond what is prescribed by regulatory bodies.

The disparity between the platform’s offered leverage and regulatory benchmarks raises concerns about its commitment to compliance and consumer protection. Investors should exercise caution and carefully weigh the costs and benefits associated with the trading conditions offered by this brokerage, particularly in comparison to industry standards and regulatory requirements. Understanding the potential financial implications and risks associated with the platform’s fee structure is crucial for making informed decisions in the realm of online trading.


Lyraten Live Account Types and Trading Conditions:

The pricing structure of packages (BASIC, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM, VIP) lacks transparency, and the legal documents suggest that clients have limited control over their accounts. Ambiguous payout conditions, including a 5% administrative fee for withdrawals, create an environment of uncertainty for users attempting to recover their funds.

Customer Support

Customer support, while seemingly responsive, raises concerns as inquiries and support tickets submitted via online forms or email go unanswered. This lack of diligence in addressing user concerns further undermines the credibility of Lyraten.

In conclusion, the evidence presented strongly indicates that Lyraten is a front for fraudulent activities, operating under the guise of an online forex broker. It lacks regulation, transparency, and essential features that would assure the safety and legitimacy of online trading. Clients are strongly advised to avoid Lyraten and seek assistance from legal experts if they have fallen victim to this scheme.

For more genuine reviews on this kind of company, visit the website at

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