The initial message that welcomes visitors to the website strongly advises individuals to exclusively engage in trading activities with trustworthy brokers. This assertion is one that we wholeheartedly endorse, and we feel compelled to caution you against making any investments through this platform.

Despite presenting itself as a credible online trading entity, the company behind is, in reality, nothing more than a deceptive scheme devised to manipulate unsuspecting individuals into becoming financial hostages. It is imperative to recognize that fraudulent operations can assume various guises, and it is our duty to bring your attention to the potential risks associated with this particular platform.


Therefore, we encourage you to delve deeper into this comprehensive review. By doing so, you will gain a more thorough understanding of the deceptive practices at play and recognize that perpetrators of financial fraud can manifest in diverse forms. Stay informed and exercise due diligence to safeguard your financial well-being.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has also published a warning about this company.

Worldwidetrade False Legitimacy Attempts:

The entity purportedly operating the website, Tradelink Worldwide Limited, claims to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is duly incorporated with the UK Companies House. However, it is crucial to note that this fraudulent scheme is attempting to deceive unsuspecting traders by assuming the identity of a fully licensed and reputable firm in order to garner trust.

Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the licensed company, Tradelink Worldwide Limited, has not associated itself with the domain, thus discrediting any affiliation between the two entities. Additionally, a warning issued by the Central Russian Bank (CBR) serves as a red flag, further debunking the claims made by the swindler and revealing the deceptive nature of their operations.

Much like the modus operandi observed in other dubious platforms such as Swiss Trade, fails to provide the essential safety measure of segregating funds. This absence of fund segregation raises concerns about the security of investors’ funds. Moreover, the platform does not offer access to the Financial Ombudsman or compensation plans, leaving traders without recourse in the event of disputes or financial losses.

It is imperative for potential investors to exercise caution and remain vigilant in the face of such deceptive practices, ensuring that they conduct thorough research and due diligence before engaging with any online trading platform.

Worldwidetrade Fraudulent Methods:

The deceptive nature of this operation becomes even more apparent when examining their claimed inception date. While they assert to have been in operation since 1999, a closer look reveals that the domain was only launched in May 2023. This stark inconsistency raises significant doubts about the legitimacy of their historical claims and underscores the need for thorough scrutiny.

A concerning pattern emerges when considering the demographics of the majority of victims targeted by Worldwidetrade’s scam. Individuals in countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Malta appear to be particularly vulnerable to the tactics employed by these fraudulent entities. Notably, this parallels the tactics used by other financial scam sites, including the likes of FuturBTC, suggesting a potential connection or shared strategy among these deceitful operations.

One common thread among these scams is the utilization of boiler room agents, who play a pivotal role in luring unsuspecting victims into the scheme. Employing telemarketing strategies with a relentless approach, these agents persist in their efforts even after being told “no.” The sustained pressure, coupled with threats and extortion tactics, can wear down individuals, leading some to succumb to the fraudulent scheme.

For those who may have fallen victim to Worldwidetrade’s deceptive practices, it is crucial to seek legal assistance promptly. Initiating a recovery process with the guidance of legal experts can be instrumental in mitigating the damages incurred and holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions. If you have invested with this company and find yourself in a precarious situation, reaching out to legal professionals is a proactive step toward potential restitution.

Worldwidetrade’s Overcharged Services and Risky Terms:

The purportedly reputable UK trading brand, as represented by Worldwidetrade, raises serious concerns when scrutinizing its trading conditions. Offering an exceptionally high leverage ratio of 1:300, a level beyond what is considered prudent in the industry, this immediately calls into question the legitimacy of Worldwidetrade. Reputable trading brands typically adhere to responsible leverage limits to protect investors from excessive risk.

Moreover, the exorbitant trading costs associated with Worldwidetrade further cast doubt on its credibility. The fee structure is notably convoluted, with the initial commission starting at an unacceptably high 12 € per trade. While it may seem counterintuitive, the platform employs a pricing strategy where the costs decrease with more expensive account tiers. This unusual approach not only lacks transparency but also raises suspicions about the platform’s intentions.

During our investigation into the trading area, we observed erratic fluctuations in trading costs, ranging from 3 pips to 5 pips, and at times, skyrocketing to absurd figures. Such volatility in trading costs does not benefit traders but rather seems tailored to advantage the scammers orchestrating the operation.

In addition to the questionable fee structure, the imposition of a dormancy fee is noteworthy. Charging $10 for accounts inactive for over 90 days seems arbitrary and adds an extra financial burden on users who may not be actively trading during a specific period.


Furthermore, a charge of $30 for bank transactions on withdrawal sums below $300 adds another layer of concern. Such fees can substantially erode the returns for users, making the platform less investor-friendly and raising suspicions about the legitimacy of the withdrawal process.

The combination of excessive leverage, opaque and fluctuating trading costs, along additional fees, calls for careful consideration and prompts potential users to exercise caution before engaging with Worldwidetrade.

Less Than Competitive Features:

The features prominently showcased on Worldwidetrade website, despite their extensive promotion, prove to be a major letdown upon closer examination. From a malfunctioning web trader to exorbitantly priced account types, the entire offering falls far short of expectations and lacks any semblance of reassurance. The stark disparity between the advertised benefits and the actual user experience renders the entire package undeserving of its purported value.

One glaring issue is the ineffective web trader, which fails to deliver the seamless and efficient trading experience that users rightfully expect. Instead of a reliable platform, users are met with disappointment, undermining the credibility of the service.

Another significant drawback is the overpriced account types, which not only fail to provide commensurate value but also appear to be a blatant attempt to extract excessive fees from users. The discrepancy between the promised features and the actual utility of these accounts leaves users feeling dissatisfied and disinclined to invest further in the platform.

In essence, the advertised features, despite Worldwidetrade’s bold marketing, do not hold up under scrutiny. The underwhelming performance of the web trader and the unreasonably priced account types create an overall package that does not justify the costs associated with it. For potential investors, it is imperative to approach such offerings with a discerning eye and consider whether the actual value aligns with the lofty promises made by the platform.

Assets on Access:

While the website ostensibly provides a list of tradable instruments, a closer examination reveals a significant disparity between the showcased product groups and the actual offerings within the web trader. This discrepancy is not only misleading but also indicative of a compromised trading process, as the server is purportedly associated with a fraudulent scheme.

The advertised product groups include Forex pairs such as EUR/USD, EUR/CHF, and USD/GBP, along with precious metals like Gold, Silver, and Platinum. Additionally, the platform claims to offer trading in shares of well-known companies such as Tesla, AMD, Nvidia, and Netflix. Indices such as Nasdaq, DAX, and Dow Jones, as well as futures like ICE Dollar Index and CBOE VIX Index, are also listed. Furthermore, the platform asserts support for various cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, LTC, and XRP.

However, the discrepancy arises when comparing the listed instruments on the website with the actual groups available on the web trader. This inconsistency raises concerns about the transparency and integrity of the trading process. It is indicative of a situation where the purported tradable assets may not be accurately represented, casting doubt on the reliability of the platform.

In summary, the mismatch between the advertised product groups and the actual offerings within the web trader suggests a potential compromise in the trading environment. This discrepancy is a critical factor for users to consider when evaluating the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the platform before engaging in any trading activities.

Account Types:

It is noteworthy that the entry cost for joining Worldwidetrade’s platform aligns with the common trend observed on many suspicious sites. It’s crucial to bear in mind that legitimate and regulated trading servers often permit individuals to commence trading with as little as $10. This stark difference in entry requirements raises immediate concerns about the legitimacy of the platform and prompts a closer examination of its offerings.

Regrettably, the website provides scant information about the packages beyond the joining fees. The lack of transparency regarding the features included in each package hinders users from making informed decisions about their investments. This opacity further adds to the apprehension surrounding the platform’s credibility.

Examining the disclosed joining fees, which are set at €250 for the Standard package, €1,000 for Silver, €5,000 for Gold, and €20,000 for Platinum, reveals a substantial financial commitment required from users. Such steep price tags demand comprehensive justification in terms of the features and benefits provided within each package. Unfortunately, the website fails to elucidate what users can expect in return for these considerable investments.

The absence of detailed information regarding the packages, coupled with the high joining fees, casts doubt on the value proposition offered by the platform. Potential investors should exercise caution and carefully assess whether the platform’s features and benefits align with their trading objectives before committing to such significant financial outlays. Lack of transparency in this regard can be a red flag, signaling potential risks associated with the platform.


The educational resources provided by are limited to a fundamental learning program, encompassing only a handful of articles that touch upon essential subjects. While these articles offer solid information, their scope is relatively narrow, focusing primarily on a few key concepts within the Forex domain. Notably, the covered topics include fundamental aspects such as pips, profit calculation, and the basics of both fundamental and technical analysis.


Although the content is informative, the educational offerings appear to lack depth and diversity. Notably absent are supplementary learning tools such as video tutorials, live lessons, and webinars, which are commonly regarded as essential components in comprehensive educational programs within the trading industry. The absence of these interactive and dynamic learning resources may limit the effectiveness of the educational platform in providing a well-rounded understanding of the intricacies of trading.

For individuals seeking a more immersive and multifaceted learning experience, the absence of live lessons and webinars can be particularly limiting. These interactive sessions are instrumental in fostering a deeper understanding of market dynamics, trading strategies, and real-time market conditions.

In conclusion, while the provided articles cover foundational Forex concepts, the absence of a more extensive and interactive educational program raises questions about the platform’s commitment to offering a comprehensive learning experience. Aspiring traders should consider the importance of a diverse and dynamic educational curriculum when evaluating the suitability of for their learning and trading needs.

Shady Funding Channels:

Traders consistently express heightened caution when it comes to monetary transfers, and this brokerage site addresses this crucial aspect by listing several methods exclusively in the deposit panel within the client area. However, a cause for concern arises as these methods predominantly involve shady payment processors that have garnered notoriety for their association with unscrupulous actions within the financial sphere. The use of such questionable payment processors raises red flags regarding the transparency and legitimacy of the platform’s financial transactions.

Compounding the apprehension is the platform’s encouragement of cryptocurrency transactions, providing a method that affords cybercriminals a level of anonymity that is hard to trace. Cryptocurrency transactions, with their inherent privacy features, can potentially facilitate illicit activities by allowing wrongdoers to operate in a virtual cloak of anonymity. This lack of transparency raises significant concerns about the platform’s commitment to maintaining a secure and accountable financial environment for its users.

It is worth noting that while crypto transactions may pose challenges for the average user to trace, recovery experts possess the tools and expertise necessary to navigate the complexities of such transactions. If users find themselves entangled in questionable or suspicious financial activities, seeking the assistance of recovery experts becomes crucial. These professionals can provide guidance and support in the effort to trace and recover funds from potentially fraudulent transactions.


The choice of payment processors and the encouragement of crypto transactions by the platform demand careful scrutiny from traders. The potential association with shady practices and the anonymity afforded by cryptocurrencies underscore the importance of due diligence in financial transactions. Users confronted with concerns or issues related to such transactions should not hesitate to seek assistance from recovery experts to navigate the complexities and pursue the recovery of their funds.

24/7 Support as Another Lie:

Worldwidetrade’s platform claims to offer 24/7 support, but with only one email for communication, users report receiving no responses.

FAQ Section:

– What is
– It is an illicit entity posing as a forex broker to scam individuals.

– Is WorldWidetrade a Legit Broker?
– No, the company is entirely illegal, and its corporate information is allegedly stolen from another firm.

For more genuine reviews on this kind of company, visit the website at

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